Text Box: St Marie’s, Southport
In the Deanery of Sefton Coast North and the Archdiocese of Liverpool

The Marian Centre

The Marian Centre is a modern, Catholic centre for evangelization in the heart of Southport, located on Bath Street North, PR9 0DJ

We are part of the Catholic parish of St Marie’s.  Our Centre is used  by the Parish and Deanery for events and outreach activities, such as tea and coffee after Mass, the Bereavement Friendship Group, Our monthly Tea Dance.

We also hire out our rooms to commercial hirers from the local area for many events e.g. retreats, meetings and training.


To contact the Marian Centre:


Bernadette Clifford

Marian Centre Co-ordinator

c/o The Parish House

25 Seabank Road




Tel: 07544768483

Email: contact@mariancentre.org.uk

Website: www.mariancentre.org.uk


Tel: 01704 531229

Email: stmaries.southport@rcaol.org.uk

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